Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy Baby (9 months)

Chloe has really mastered the toothy smile! She is still as sweet as ever! Although, we are finding that she can hold her own with her sisters, may not be as laid back as we thought!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Welcoming Summer

80 degrees is warm enough to break out the sprinkler and popsicles!

Ella makes the best funny faces!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last Day and Promotion

First Day

Preschool Promotion

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mothers Day

I count being a momma to these three precious girls one of my greatest God-given blessings! They are everything to me, and I love spending my days with them! They are all so different which makes it so fun and also a little challenging. Never easy, but always worth it! They fill my days with joy!

My wonderful momma is the person I look to as my example every day. She is the best! My girls and I are blessed beyond measure by her. I have always appreciated her calm and quiet spirit and I always know she is my number one fan!

My Mom's 3 girls. She is also one of three girls... sensing a pattern:)

We had Kelsey's family over for supper that evening. I am blessed with an amazing Mother-in Law who is also such a great example to me as I try to navigate this thing called motherhood. I love her positive and joyful outlook on life, and her patience is inspiring.

My girls LOVE their soon to be Uncle Lucas!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our little Ballerina

Ella took dance this year from Angel Feet in Moundridge. I cannot say enough good things about it! Her recital was amazing. SO well done, and God honoring! We were so proud of her. I am loving seeing her confidence blossom. She loved getting her stage make-up on. That same week she had several other end of the year things that she had memorized... and it was amazing to me how she just took it all in stride and did each one so well. Watching her on stage was a beautiful thing. Kate will do it when she is 4, and can't wait!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

End of the Year Activities

Spring Concert

Last night of Cubbies and Puggles

Field Day

Leftover April Pics


The Rainbow Shirt

Practicing for T-Ball this summer

Good morning Birthday Girl

Birthday Doughnuts

Happy Baby