Man, time is flying!! I want to keep sweet baby Chloe a baby forever!
She brightens my day every day! These past 2 months have brought so many changes, as this age in babies
usually does. Right after she turned 6 months, we unswaddled her and
she started sleeping through the night after 2 nights of crying it out! I
always know it works, but I resist it every time. She is my first baby
to not like a binky. It is awesome most of the time! She doesn't suck
her thumb either, so i guess she just soothes herself with her blanket.
So indicative of her laid back personality.She has 2 teeth
poking through on the bottom that we get to see all the time since she
is full of smiles. She sits up really well, and is not crawling yet
(which is awesome for mommy). She just started pulling herself up on
things today, so she might be skipping crawling, not sure?. She signs
more and all done and can say "dada", "mama", "all done" and "diaper"
(the last two are in her own little languange). She is super friendly to
family she knows and a little wary of strangers. She gives me the best
smiles and kisses all day long. She has the most gorgeous brown eyes and
her hair is darker and thicker than the other two girls, I can't wait
to see what it looks like! She is Ella's little twin with her dark
complexion and eyes. They seem to have a very strong bond. Chloe always
lights up when Ella comes in a room and Ella loves to entertain and love
on her little sister. She is my super big helper! Here's to another
month of changes!
All the way my Saviour leads me
4 days ago
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