Monday, July 25, 2011

Goodbyes... the Airport

This was a sad day. Sending our friends and our daughters friends off for 4 years to Ethiopia, not so easy!! Most of their lives packed in these tubs!

Ella and Ryan

Cousins and Friends



Rachel and I are definitely overcompensating our smiles in this pic =)

Goodbye dear friends! Excited about your new journey, and can't wait to see you again!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Goodbyes... The Party

Our very, very close friends, The Giles, left for Ethiopia, Africa about a month ago to serve as missionaries. While we are very excited for them and excited to see what God does through them, we miss them SO much, and were very reluctant to let them go! But, we decided to party first before the sad goodbyes! The kids had a great time playing together and I tried to capture almost everyone that was there in the following pictures.



Our new nephew Micah that was born in April!

All dressed up ready to go to a wedding. She loved it!!

One of the rare times Ella fell asleep during her quiet time... must have been cold because she has on gloves and a stocking cap. (she usually has on her rain boots too)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Girls and Goggles

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

pictures courtesy of christy